
Unnatural Selection: The Untamed and the Underworld

Created by Dungeon Damsel Creations

Welcome to the PRE-ORDER store for Unnatural Selection: The Untamed and The Underworld a supplement for use with the Shadowdark RPG. Here you will find all sorts of goodies that are sure to fit in with your TTRPG collection, and go handsomely alongside your Shadowdark core rulebook. -Bunni & Xane The Dungeon Damsel Team

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Final Tally: 12 Ancestries, 6 classes, and 120 spells. REEEEALLLY?
12 months ago – Tue, Sep 19, 2023 at 09:41:21 AM

If you are saying to yourself, "Wait. I thought it was 6 ancestries, 4 classes and 70-90 spells... you'd be right! BEFORE the stretch goals you supported. 

We're implementing the 6 additional ancestries, 2 added classes, and 40 new spells -- DIRECTLY into the book. So this won't be files or zines or extra crap you have to carry around. 

That's all thanks to YOU for supporting our project and hitting all those lofty -- at least WE thought they were lofty -- Stretch goals!

Oh, and we wanted to show you another monster illustration for our expansion of the TREANT in the form of a Willow. Illustrated by the amazing Ian Maclean!

We're zeroing in on 48 hours to go, and we're 90% of the way to our last stretch goal... Those free dice! If you're on the fence, then you should jump off and make sure we get there! We need you! (Your fellow backers need you!)

See you in the UNDERWORLD!
The Dungeon Damsel Team

NOW Over 110 Animals, Monsters, and Fantastical Beasts!
12 months ago – Mon, Sep 18, 2023 at 10:51:51 AM

We had originally planned on adding around 70 monsters and animals to the Shadowdark ethos, but as more content was created to fill out the Unnatural Selection world, we noticed we needed more, and more, and more! The addition of the OVATE CLASS as a stretch goal called for even more animals to support its abilities and spells. 

So here we are -- providing even MORE content than originally promised, and as we count down the last days of the campaign, we wanted to share one that we recently received art for!

Ever wanted to have your players become puppets, unable to control their bodies and incapable of stopping themselves from killing their party? Do you want your players to scream about how sorry they are for wreaking unintentional havoc on their friends? If you're an evil DM and answered yes with reckless abandon, this is the monster for you! 

VINEWRAITH - An apparition of mystical vines and leaves, the vinewraith ensnares victims with spectral creepers. The creature still allows them to speak and emote, punctuating the horror of becoming puppets under its control. 

See you at the finish line!
The Dungeon Damsel Team

Don't let your torch go out! (Only 4 days left)
12 months ago – Sun, Sep 17, 2023 at 08:52:01 AM

Dear Shadowdarlings,

We have so much to be thankful for with your outpouring of support for our first creation. When we look at it all and say, "Why did this campaign go so well for us?" we are quick to answer, "The Shadowdark community," and the people who brought all of us together, starting with Kelsey Dionne!

And really -- hard work from everyone involved, including many of you who have participated in the playtesting. That hard work is far from over. We're excited, motivated, driven, and happy to finalize the book and deliver it to you with quality and timeliness!

So here we are... 4 days away from the end, and we have ONE MORE STRETCH goal to achieve. We know you can do it! And we hope you do -- because dangit, WE want the dice too! 

Remember, to earn the free stretch goal, your pledge must include the Physical Edition complete ($55) or higher (In addition to $100k being reached!)

So don't let your torch go out on this opportunity to be a part of Shadowdark lore for many years to come, and let your friends and social media followers know that THEY can be a part of it as well!

See you at the finish line!

The Dungeon Damsel Team

SIX New Ancestries! WHAAAAA?
12 months ago – Thu, Sep 14, 2023 at 06:12:34 AM

For us, the community voting on the two ancestries was a big surprise. We were blown away by the passion displayed by all of you who were voting, and we loved the different factions who did their best to lobby for their favorite choices. 

And we had no idea that gnomes would be such a divisive choice! (It may have even angered some of you so much that you cancelled your pledges! GASP!) SO, in light of all the excitement (and vitriol) we decided we would implement 6 total ancestries:

The Top two vote-getters in each category AND one "Creator's choice" in each category for a total of 6 ancestries.

So that means, you get: 

1. GNOMES (1st place)
2. MYCONIDS (2nd place)
3. SYLVARI/ENT (Creator's choice)


1. RAT PEOPLE (1st place)
2. RISEN (2nd place)
3. SLIME PEOPLE (Creator's choice)

We're excited to unveil these today and release them to you as they become finalized. We're already playtesting designs for 3 of them, with the rest to come soon! 

Thanks for all of your incredible support!

The Dungeon Damsel Team

$100k Stretch Goal: FREE DICE SET for backers of the Physical COMPLETE edition and higher!
about 1 year ago – Thu, Sep 07, 2023 at 01:04:02 PM

This campaign has gone better than we could have ever hoped. Your love for the Shadowdark RPG and the rest of Kelsey's passionate community has made it possible. As a thank you, we wanted to provide a free set of custom dice representing the look and feel of Unnatural Selection and the Shadowdark RPG for all backers of the Physical Edition COMPLETE (priced at $55) and higher. If you haven't pledged already, (or you need to upgrade) do so HERE!

So if you were on the fence and backed the digital or the $39 physical version, then this might be the final reason to upgrade your pledge and help us get to this awesome stretch goal!

If you haven't pledged already, (or you need to upgrade) do so HERE!

See you north of $100k!

The Dungeon Damsel Team